V soboto, 6. 4. 2024, se je začelo naše nepozabno potovanje v Veliko Britanijo. Iz Maribora smo okrog 13.30 z avtobusom krenili proti letališču Franja Tuđmana v Zagrebu. Po dobrih dveh urah in petindvajsetih minutah letenja smo pristali na letališču v Manchestru, od koder smo se odpeljali proti hotelu Mercure st. Helens, kjer smo prenočili.
V nedeljo zjutraj smo se odpravili proti Liverpoolu, mestu, ki je zaznamovalo zgodovino glasbe z legendarnimi The Beatles. Obiskali smo pristanišče Royal Albert Docks, kjer smo občudovali mogočne ladje in moderne arhitekturne stvaritve. Nato smo se odpravili proti simbolom mesta – k trem gracioznim Liver birds. Z obiskom Titanikove zgodbe naletimo na del zgodovine, ki je pretresel svet. S postankom pri spomeniku, ki spominja na Hillsborough nesrečo, smo izrazili spoštovanje žrtvam te tragedije. Dan smo zaključili z obiskom George’s Place in se nato razdelili na dve skupini, prva si je ogledala Cavern Club in muzej The Beatles Story-legendarno prizorišče, kjer so se začeli vzpenjati Beatlesi, druga pa stadion Anfield, dom nogometnega kluba Liverpool FC. Zvečer smo se odpravili v hotel Best western Cresta Court.
Naslednje jutro smo se podali v čarobni severni Wales. V Llandudnu smo se sprehodili po slikoviti viktorijanski promenadi in občudovali mogočen pomol, ki se razteza v morje. Naša pot nas je nato vodila v Conwy, ki mu kraljuje istoimenski grad. Tam smo si ogledali tudi najmanjšo hišo v Veliki Britaniji. Ob sprehodu po mestnem obzidju smo se počutili kot pravi vitezi. Seveda smo si privoščili tudi tradicionalni fish & chips, saj je to nepogrešljiv del doživetja ob obisku obalnih krajev. Zvečer smo se vrnili v isti hotel.
Tretji dan smo se podali v kraj, ki je znan po enem največjih literarnih genijev vseh časov, Stratford-upon-Avon, rojstni kraj Williama Shakespeara. Ogledali smo si njegovo rojstno hišo, se sprehodili mimo šole, ki jo je obiskoval, se ustavili pri gledališču, kjer so uprizorili njegova dela, in se zavrteli v New Place, kjer je preživel zadnja leta svojega življenja. Nadaljevali smo pot v Oxford, kjer smo se navduševali nad elitnimi kolidži, občudovali arhitekturo Sheldonian Theatrea in si ogledali knjižnico Bodleian in Redcliff Camera. Iz Oxforda smo se odpravili v London, kjer smo prespali v Hilton Garden Inn Heathrow hotelu.
V Londonu, mestu, ki nikoli ne spi, smo preživeli četrti dan. Začeli smo z obiskom Buckinghamske palače, kjer smo opazovali menjavo straže, nato pa smo se sprehodili skozi slikoviti St James Park, kjer smo se igrali z vevericami in papigami. Občudovali smo monumentalno Westminster Abbey, se slikali pred parlamentom s slavnim Big Benom. Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus in Leicester Square so nas očarali s svojo živahnostjo in pestrostjo. Popoldne smo si privoščili vožnjo z londonskim podzemnim vlako in obiskali muzej voščenih lutk Madame Tussauds na Baker Streetu. Zvečer smo se odpravili na letališče Stansted, od koder smo poleteli na Dunaj.
V Maribor smo prispeli okrog ene ure zjutraj. Čeprav se je naše potovanje končalo, bodo spomini na ta čudoviti teden večno ostali v naših srcih.
Lan Bedekovič, 3. ag
Excursion to Great Britain
Our unforgettable journey to Great Britain began on Saturday, April 6, 2024. We departed from Maribor around 13:30 by bus to Franjo Tuđman Airport in Zagreb. After a good two hours and twenty-five minutes of flying, we landed at Manchester Airport, from where we traveled to the Mercure St. Helens hotel, where we spent the night.
On Sunday morning, we headed to Liverpool, a city steeped in the history of music with the legendary The Beatles. We visited the Royal Albert Docks, where we admired majestic ships and modern architectural creations. Then we headed to the city’s symbols – the three graceful Liver birds. Visiting the Titanic story, we encountered a part of history that shook the world. With a stop at the monument commemorating the Hillsborough disaster, we paid our respects to the victims of this tragedy. We ended the day with a visit to George’s Place and then split into two groups, with one group visiting the Cavern Club and The Beatles Story museum, the legendary venue where the Beatles began to rise to fame, and the other visiting Anfield Stadium, home of the Liverpool FC football club. In the evening, we headed to the Best Western Cresta Court hotel.
The next morning, we ventured into the magical North Wales. In Llandudno, we strolled along the picturesque Victorian promenade and admired the magnificent pier stretching into the sea. Our journey then took us to Conwy, dominated by its namesake castle. There, we also visited the smallest house in Great Britain. As we walked along the town walls, we felt like true knights. Of course, we also indulged in traditional fish & chips, as it is an essential part of the experience when visiting coastal areas. In the evening, we returned to the same hotel.
On the third day, we visited a place known for one of the greatest literary geniuses of all time, Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare. We visited his birthplace, walked past the school he attended, stopped by the theater where his works were performed, and explored New Place, where he spent the last years of his life. We continued our journey to Oxford, where we marveled at the elite colleges, admired the architecture of the Sheldonian Theatre, and visited the Bodleian Library and the Redcliff Camera. From Oxford, we traveled to London, where we stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn Heathrow hotel.
In London, the city that never sleeps, we spent the fourth day. We started with a visit to Buckingham Palace, where we watched the Changing of the Guard, then strolled through the picturesque St James’s Park, where we played with squirrels and parakeets. We admired the monumental Westminster Abbey, took photos in front of the Parliament with the famous Big Ben. Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, and Leicester Square enchanted us with their vibrancy and diversity. In the afternoon, we took a ride on the London Underground and visited the Madame Tussauds wax museum on Baker Street. In the evening, we headed to Stansted Airport, from where we flew to Vienna.
We arrived in Maribor around one o’clock in the morning. Although our journey has ended, the memories of this wonderful week will forever remain in our hearts.
Lan Bedekovič, 3. ag